Department of Anesthesiology
The branch of Anesthesiology deals with the Administration during Surgical procedures. The scope of the speciality has diversified of late and has come to include sub-speciality During Intensive Care Management, Emergency Medical Procedures management.

We Possess a good dedicated team of Anesthetist who are well trained to tackle all kind of emergencies.
Anesthesiology in Super-specialty Surgical Services
- Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
- Gastrointestinal surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic surgery and joint replacement
- Liver Transplantation
- kidney Transplantation
Anesthesia services outside the operation theatre are provided for various procedures in: gastroenterology for endoscopy, ophthalmology for laser treatment, in vitro fertilization for oocyte retrieval, radiology for angiography and intravenous pyelography, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), the cath lab for cerebral angiography and coiling of aneurysms and dental treatment in the day care setting.
The modern, updated 3-bedded SICU and 2 bedded liver transplants ICU boasts of up-to-date monitoring equipment and ventilators which provide a strong back-up for the surgical and medical units.
- Excellent pre-operative monitoring through high-end equipments
- Handling high-risk cases routinely
- Anesthesia in terminal renal cases
- Anesthesia in severe metabolic disorders.
- Pain management in routine and terminally ill patients.
Department of Cardiology and Emergency
Alpha Super Specialities Hospital is an advanced high-tech center for state-of-the-art cardiac care. The center provides world-class treatment facilities and healthcare experts for Cardiac Care under one roof equipped to provide treatment to every one – from neonates to nonagenarians.
Clinical cardiology
Daily Cardiology OPD cases are seen from Monday – Saturday.

24hrs emergency services for Cardiology cases.
All beds in the ICU are equipped with bedside monitors capable of monitoring multiple variables on a single screen. The monitors are linked to the nursing station at a central console. These sophisticated patient monitoring systems allow for greater flexibility and varied input of parameters.
Cardiac CCUWe have modern air conditioned cardiac CCU with each bed having central ECG & Video Monitoring system, central oxygen supply, central vaccum suction and central compressed air, bed side monitors, pulse oxy meters, gluco meters, nebulizer, emergency medicines, and lab support.

The ICU also has Defibrillator facility and emergency pacing team, bed side X-Ray, Ultrasound and ECHO Cardiogram, Holter monitoring, event recording system, Syringe pumps, both invasive Non invasive pressure monitors facilities. For acute heart attack patients best facilities are available to give thrombolytic therapy, Emergency Pace Maker, Primary Angioplasty & Stenting, Intra Aortic Balloon Counter Pulsation (IABPI) and Emergency By-pass Surgery “all under one roof”.
Complete Diagnostics
Bed side X-Ray, Ultrasonography, ECHO Cardiogram, Holter monitoring,
Event recording system, both invasive & Non invasive pressure
monitor facilities
Established a state-of-the-art Seimens Artis Zee Digital Coronary cardiac catheterization Lab.
Performing- Coronary Angiograms
- Interventional procedures like Balloon Angioplasty, STENT
- Implantation.
- Primary Angioplasty & Stenting
- Permanent Pacemaker & Temporary Pacemaker Implantation
- Trans radial angiograms
- Balloon Mitral valvotomies
- Carotid & Vertebral Angioplasty/Stenting.
- Renal angioplasties
- Peripheral angioplasties
Cardio Thoracic surgery
- Beating Heart Surgery
- Valve Replacement Surgery
- Children Heart Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
Department of Endocrinology

Hormones are molecules that act as signals from one type of cells to another. Most hormones reach their targets via the blood.
Endocrinology is concerned with the study of the biosynthesis, storage, chemistry, and physiological function of hormones and with the cells of the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete them.
Amines, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine, are derived from single amino acids, in this case tyrosine. Thyroid hormones such as 3,5,3′ – triiodothyronine (T3) and 3,5,3′,5′ – tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine, T4) make up a subset of this class because they derive from the combination of two iodinated tyrosine amino acid residues.
Peptide and protein

Peptide hormones and protein hormones consist of three (in the case of thyrotropin-releasing hormone) to more than 200 (in the case of follicle-stimulating hormone) amino acid residues and can have molecular weights as large as 30,000. All hormones secreted by the pituitary gland are peptide hormones, as are leptin from adipocytes, ghrelin from the stomach, and insulin from the pancreas.
Steroid hormones are converted from their parent compound, cholesterol. Mammalian steroid hormones can be grouped into five groups by the receptors to which they bind: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, estrogens, and progestagens.
We at Alpha Super Speciality Hospital gives you a special care with our experienced specialists.
Department of ENT

Alpha Super Speciality Hospital has a team of surgeons whose credentials go beyond the ordinary. The team is one of the finest in the region with the expertise to handle any kind of trauma / emergency and also undertakes complex surgeries on a regular basis.
Earache can be due to causes locally in the ear or referred from other areas.
Common Local causes
A. Boil in the ear: Severe pain in the ear; increased pain on moving the pinna & jaw
Analgesics and Antibiotics will be required.
B. Impacted wax: In some people excessive wax may be secreted and deposited as a plug in the ear canal leading to decreased hearing and pain.
It has to be removed by syringing or instrumental manipulation. Hard wax may require softening with wax solvents before removal.
C. Infection of the ear canal (otitis externa): Excessive scratching of the ear canal with match sticks or hair pins leads to trauma in the ear canal and to subsequent infection.
Systemic causes: Antibiotics taken orally and local application of drops may be required.
D. Otomycosis (Fungal Infection): You may have intense itching in the ear and discomfort due to watery discharge .This is a condition seen commonly in swimmers. Antifungal drops may be required.
E. Foreign body in the ear : Children are notorious for putting all sorts of things in their ears. The common objects being pieces of paper, seeds, chalk pieces, beads, ball bearings, broken pieces of match stick, cotton.
Doctoring should be avoided at home and an ENT specialist should be consulted.
F. Acute Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM): It is an acute inflammation of middle ear by pus causing bacteria. This condition is commonly seen in infants and children. Factors interfering with normal functioning of eustachian tube(the canal connecting the ear to the oral cavity) predispose to ASOM.
- Recurrent attacks of common cold, upper respiratory tract infections,
- Measles, Diphtheria.
- Infection of the tonsils
- Chronic infection of sinuses
- Nasal allergy
Feeding a young infant in horizontal position may force fluids through the eustachian tube into the middle ear so they should always be nursed in a position where the head is slightly raised.
Initial complaints consist of deafness and/or mild earache if tube occlusion is prolonged .When earache becomes severe, it is associated with fever, decreased hearing and ringing sensation in the ears. The symptoms might subside with rupture of the ear drum and release of pus, or they may lead to complaints of giddiness, vomiting, tenderness behind the ear, high fever and so on.
An E.N. T specialist should be consulted in the early stages when there is mild earache. Antibacterial therapy, decongestants and antipyretics are needed. A minor surgery which involves incising the ear drum and releasing the pus may be necessary in a few cases.
G. Trauma to the ear: A slap on the ear or very loud noise can cause traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane(ear drum) and pain in the ear with decreased hearing.
Ear should be examined and appropriate treatment instituted.
Other causes for pain in the ear
- Carious tooth
- Impacted molar
- Osteoarthritis of the Temporomandibular joint
- Acute tonsillitis
- Ulcers of the palate or tonque.
General Causes
- Hypertension – commonly seen in old age
- Heart disease
- Pregnancy
- Bleeding disorders – when the patient has a deficiency in the system responsible for control of bleeding and there is an abnormal tendency to bleed
- Drugs- Excessive use of analgesics for pain.
- Acute general infections like Typhoid, Pneumonia, Malaria, Dengue fever, Measles.
- At times the cause of bleeding may not be clear.
Most of the time, bleeding can be controlled by pinching the nose tightly for about five minutes. Ice compress can be applied on the nose. They aid in stopping the bleeding.
If bleeding is profuse, patient should be taken to the doctor. Hypertensive patients should take their antihypertensive medication regularly. Excessive nose picking is a common cause of bleeding in both children and young adults and should be discouraged.
Services Offered
- Speech therapy
- Functional Video Endoscopy
- Complete and neck surgery
- Micro laryngeal surgeries and phono surgeries fro voice disorders etc
Department of General Medicine / Surgery

The department of General Medicines offer treatment for every medical problem. It has an Acute Medical Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit with the capacity of Twelve Beds in each Unit with 24 hours Resident Doctors and Nurses who have got specialization in intensive care to tackle all kinds of Medical Emergencies.
The department is fully equipped with ventilators, Pulse Oximeters, Glucometers, and Monitors etc. Having an expert team of Doctors and surgeons who can perform the most complicated surgeries like Thyroidectomy, Appendectomy, etc.
Trauma Surgery
The overall responsibility for trauma care falls under the auspices of general surgery. Some general surgeons obtain advanced training and specialty certification in this field alone. General surgeons must be able to deal initially with almost any surgical emergency. Often they are the first port of call to critically ill or gravely injured patients, and must perform a variety of procedures to stabilize such patients, such as intubation, burr hole, cricothyroidotomy, and emergency laparotomy or thoracotomy to stanch bleeding.

All General Surgeons are trained in emergency surgery. Bleeding, infections, bowel obstructions and organ perforations are the main problems they deal with. Cholecystectomy, the surgical removal of the gallbladder, is one of the most common surgical procedures done worldwide. This is most often done electively, but the gallbladder can become acutely inflamed and require an emergency operation. Ruptures of the appendix and small bowel obstructions are other common emergencies.
Laparoscopic Surgery
Is a relatively new specialty dealing with minimal access techniques using cameras and small instruments inserted through 0.5 to 1 cm incisions. Robotic surgery is now evolving from this concept (see below). Gallbladders, appendices, and colons can all be removed with this technique. Hernias are now repaired mostly laparoscopically. Most bariatric surgery is performed laparoscopically. General surgeons that are trained today are expected to be proficient in laparoscopic procedures.
Colorectal Surgery
General Surgeons treat a wide variety of minor colon and rectal diseases ranging from inflammatory bowel diseases (such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease) to diverticulitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids, etc.
Breast Surgery
General surgeons perform a majority of all non-cosmetic breast surgery from lumpectomy to mastectomy, especially pertaining to the evaluation and diagnosis, of breast cancer.
Vascular Surgery
General Surgeons can perform vascular surgery if they receive special training and certification in vascular surgery. Otherwise, these procedures are performed by vascular surgery specialists. However, general surgeons are capable of treating minor vascular disorders.
Endocrine Surgery
General Surgeons are trained to remove all or part of the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the neck and the adrenal glands just above each kidney in the abdomen. In many communities, they are the only surgeon trained to do this. In communities that have a number of subspecialists other subspecialty surgeons may assume responsibility for these procedures.
Dermatological Surgery
General Surgeons perform a wide variety of skin-related surgeries ranging from removing suspicious moles to treating major burns. General Surgeons also remove tumors that often grow just below the skin such as fatty tumors or tumors that arise in muscles or other soft tissues. General Surgeons also treat more complex skin or subcutaneous infections including necrotizing fasciitis and will often employ skin grafts to cover defects in the skin resulting from burns, trauma, or infections.
Services Offered at Alpha Hospital
- Laparotomy
- Thyroidectomy
- Fissurectomy
- Haemroidectomy
- Hydrocele
- Excision
- Laparoscopic Surgeries etc.
- Colostomy
- Parkso Operation
- Dilatation
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Lieosigmoidostomy
- Prolapse Rectum
- Theirch Wiring
Department of Gynecology / Obstetrics

The gynecology practice at Green View Medical Center is designed to meet the needs of Women throughout the stages of life from teenager to pregnancy, menopause and beyond. Gynecologists at Alpha Hospital specialize to compassionate care of range of reproductive health & pelvic problems.
The Gynecology dept. is divided into 3 areas of special expertise to serve our patient
- 1. Medical Gynecology
- 2. Pelvic and reconstructive surgery
- 3. Gynecology Oncology
Patients are seen in
Medical Gynecology for conditions services such as
- Pelvic pain
- Endometriosis
- Menstrual irregularities
- Vaginitis
- Infertility
- Contraception
Patients are seen in
Surgical Gynecology /Oncology for conditions/services such as
- Abnormal Pap Smear
- Adnexal Tumor
- Cervical cancer
- Fibroids
- Hystectomy
- Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst
- Laparoscopic Hystectomy
- Ovarian Cyst
- Prolapse (vaginal or uterine), cystocele, rectocele
- Vulvar cancer/Vaginal cancer
- Genitourinary fistula
- Rectovaginal fistula
Routine medical screening
& treatments include
- Adolescent gynecology
- Annual pap & Pelvic examination
- Breast cancer screening
- Management of menopause
- Screening for Gynecological cancer
- Treatment of Cervical cancer
- Treatment of Ovarian cancer
- Treatment of Uterine cancer
- Treatment of Breast cancer
- Post-menopausal Bleeding
Services Offered:
- Hysterectomy (Abdominal Vaginal)
- Ovarian Cyst
- Myomectomies
- Orphorectomics
- Ecliptics pregnancy
- Caesarian section I
- Infertility
- Post-menopausal bleeding
- Dysfunctional Uterine bleeding etc.
Department of Neonatology: ( NICU )

A motivated team of pediatrician, intensive care Unit and Nursing staff provides round the clock surveillance; Senior Pediatrics surgeons and Neonatal Anesthetists are on the panel of consultants and are readily available on call
Our Pediatrics General ward is well equipped to provide all comforts with central oxygen.
The Nurse Patients ratio is 1:1 is maintained, The Unit is well geared
to manage all Neonatal Emergencies including Neonatal Surgeries.
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
This Unit is fully equipped with incubators, Blue light photo-therapy unit, Apnea Monitors, Pulse Oximeters. The NICU has model ventilators and is geared a look after neonates requiring intensive and special care.

New parents eagerly look forward to bringing their baby home, so it can be frightening if your newborn needs to be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). At first it may seem like a foreign place, but understanding the NICU and what goes on there can help reduce your fears and let you better help your baby.
If your baby is sent to the NICU, your first question probably will be: What is this place? With equipment designed for infants and a hospital staff who have special training in newborn care, the NICU is an intensive care unit created for sick newborns who need specialized treatment.
Sometimes the NICU is also called- A special care nursery
- An intensive care nursery
- Newborn intensive care
Babies who need to go to the unit are often admitted within the first 24 hours after birth. Babies may be sent to the NICU if
- They’re born prematurely
- Difficulties occur during their delivery
- They show signs of a problem in the first few days of life
Only very young babies (or babies with a condition linked to being born prematurely) are treated in the NICU – they’re usually infants who haven’t gone home from the hospital yet after being born. How long these infants remain in the unit depends on the severity of their illness.
Who Will Be Taking Care of My Baby?

Although many people help care for babies in the NICU, those most responsible for day-to-day care are nurses, whom you may come to know very well and rely on to give you information and reassurances about your baby.
The nurses you might interact will include:
- Charge nurse (the nurse in charge of the shift)
- Primary nurse (the one assigned to your baby)
- Neonatal nurse practitioner (someone with additional training in neonatology care)
Other people who may help care for your baby include:
- Pediatric hospitalist (a pediatrician who works solely in the hospital setting)
- A respiratory therapist (who helps administer treatments that help with breathing)
- A nutritionist (who can determine what babies on iv nutrition need)
- A pharmacist (who helps manage a baby’s medications)
- Lab technicians (who process the laboratory tests – i.e., urine, blood – taken)
- A physical therapist and/or occupational therapist (who work with feeding and movement issues with the infants and their parents)
- A chaplain (who can counsel you and try to provide comfort; chaplains may be interfaith or of a particular religious affiliation but they’re there to support anyone looking for a spiritual/religious connection)
- Various specialists (such as a neurologist, a cardiologist, or a surgeon) to treat specific issues with the brain, heart, etc.
- Neonatology fellows, medical residents, and medical students (all pursuing their training at different levels)
- A neonatologist (a doctor specializing in newborn intensive care who heads up the medical team)
- A social worker (who helps you get the services you need and also lends emotional support by connecting you to other families and therapists, if needed)
Questions to Ask
To better help you help your baby during a stay in intensive care, it’s wise to get as much information as possible about what to expect. If you have questions, talk to the neonatologist or the nurses.
The nurses see your baby every day, so they can give you frequent updates on your little one. Remember, though, that nurses do not make diagnoses. To discuss a diagnosis or your baby’s overall plan of care, find the neonatologist, fellow, nurse practitioner, hospitalist, or the resident. They have all the information about your baby and can talk to you about the big picture.
Some things you might want to ask the neonatologist and/or the nurses include:- How long will my baby be in the unit?
- What, specifically, is the problem?
- What will be involved in my baby’s treatment and daily care?
- What medicines will my baby have to take?
- What types of tests will be done?
- What can my baby eat and when?
- Will I be able to nurse or bottle-feed my baby – if so, when and how?
- Will someone help me learn how to nurse my baby?
- What can I do to help my baby?
- Will I be able to hold or touch my baby?
- How often and for how long can I stay in the unit? Can I sleep there?
- What sort of care will my baby need when we get home?
- Is there someone who can help us through the process?
Department of Nephrology

Nephrology concerns itself with the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, including electrolyte disturbances and hypertension, and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy, including dialysis and renal transplant patients. Many diseases affecting the kidney are systemic disorders not limited to the organ itself, and may require special treatment. Examples include systemic vasculitides and autoimmune diseases such as lupus.
Only pediatric trained physicians are able to train in pediatric nephrology, and internal medicine (adult) trained physicians may enter general (adult) nephrology fellowships. Physicians that achieved training in both medicine and pediatrics may subspecialize in both adult and pediatric nephrology.
Patients are referred to nephrology specialists for various reasons, such as
- Acute renal failure, a sudden loss of renal function
- Electrolyte disorders or acid/base imbalance
- Hematuria, blood loss in the urine
- Proteinuria, the loss of protein especially albumin in the urine
- Kidney stones, usually only recurrent stone formers.
- Chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections
- Chronic kidney disease, declining renal function, usually with an inexorable rise in creatinine.
- Hypertension that has failed to respond to multiple forms of anti-hypertensive medication or could have a secondary cause
Other tests often performed by nephrologists are
- Renal biopsy, to obtain a tissue diagnosis of a disorder when the exact nature or stage remains uncertain.
- Ultrasound scanning of the urinary tract and occasionally examining the renal blood vessels.
- CT scanning when mass lesions are suspected or to help diagnosis nephrolithiasis.
- Angiography or Magnetic resonance imaging angiography when the blood vessels might be affected.
- Scintigraphy (nuclear medicine) for accurate measurement of renal function (rarely done), and MAG3 scans for diagnosis of renal artery disease or ‘split function’ of each kidney.
Many kidney diseases are treated with medication, such as steroids, DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), antihypertensive (many kidney diseases feature hypertension). Often erythropoietin and vitamin D treatment is required to replace these two hormones, the production of which stagnates in chronic kidney disease.
When chronic kidney disease progresses to stage five, dialysis or transplant is required. Please refer to the main articles dialysis and renal transplant for a comprehensive account of these treatments.
Sub-specialties within nephrology include interventional nephrologists who focus on access placement and maintenance, a dialectician who focus upon ordering dialysis for patients, and transplant nephrologists who focus on the acute or sub-acute monitoring of immunosuppression in the transplant patient.
If patients proceed to transplant, nephrologists will continue to follow patients to monitor the immunosuppressive regimen and watch for the infection that can occur post-transplant.
Department of Neurology

Neurology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system. Specifically, it deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of disease involving the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effecter tissues, such as muscles.
Clinical Neurology
Daily Neurology OPD cases are seen from Monday – Saturday
The center for Neurology is committed to provide the highest standards of surgical & non-invasive treatment based on latest technologies and procedures. The center is headed by world-class neurologists and neurosurgeons and ably supported by a very competent clinical staff.

Our physicians and staff members welcome the opportunity to provide your care. We are committed to high-quality service and making your visit as satisfying as possible.
24hrs Emergency Services for Neuro Emergency Cases
Special Clinics
Comprehensive Stroke Unit
Acute Neuro Care
Complete Neuro Diagnostics
Preventive Programs
Interventional Neurology
Department of Orthopedics

At Alpha, the department of orthopedics routinely performs very complicated procedures backed by the Physio-Therapy department, the orthopedic department at our Hospital has high success rate in all the procedures that it undertakes.
Our Division specializes in the following orthopedic and sports medicine procedures
- Treatment of Arthritis – Joint Replacement
- Total Knee Replacement
- Total Hip Replacement
- Total Shoulder Replacement
- Surface Replacement
- Hemi humeral Head Replacement
- Hemiarthroplasty – Hip
- Revision Replacement – Hip and Knee
- Arthroplasty: Primary and Revision joint replacement of hip , knee and shoulder using state of the art hard bearings with surface replacement as well as modular and current proximal loading hip replacement are done routinely.
- Knee: Primary and Revision replacements are done using Fixed bearing, Rotating bearing as well as high flexion are routinely used. Revision replacements using constrained knee design as well as modular rotating bearing are used.
- Shoulder: Humeral head replacements, Surface Replacements and Total Shoulder Joint Replacements are done.
- Single and Double bundle, Revision ACL, PCL Reconstruction and MCL reconstruction.
- Meniscal repair using PDS sutures and fastfix / Meniscectomy.
- Osteochondral Autologous Transfer System was done for Osteochondral defect as well as Bioabsorbable fixation in case of Osteochondral desiccans.
- Arthroscopic Synovectomy
- OATS and Micro fracture for talus
- Ankle fusion for Soft tissue impingement.
- Hip arthroscopy and labral debridement
- Core Decompression.
- TFCC repairs, Arthroscopic assisted fixation of distal radius and scaphoid fracture as well as fixation of Scapho lunate, Synovectomy , WAFER procedure.
- Arthroscopic procedure of the elbow including Tennis elbow
- Capsulectomy
- Synovectomy and Arthrolysis ( correction of stiff elbow).
- Bankarts repair
- Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
- Subacromial Decompression and Mumford procedure for AC joint
Department of Pediatrics

Adolescent Medicine
Adolescent clinic run by team of professionals works with adolescents in the age group of 10-18 years with psychological problems and psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety problems, low self-esteem, oppositional defiant behavior, drugs use, psychosis etc. Our DNB students attend the clinics to get an understanding of this relatively new specialty. As extension of our services outreach lectures and sessions at school levels for teachers and students are conducted from time to time.
Following facilities are available:
- Tilt Table Testing
- Fetal echocardiography and Doppler studies
- Holter monitoring (Ambulatory ECG).
- Exercise Stress testing.
- Electrophysiological testing

Child & Adolescent Psychiatric services are delivered through outpatient and inpatient services. Outpatient services include Child Guidance Clinic and Adolescent Clinic. Child Guidance clinic has a team of professionals comprising of child psychiatrist, clinical psychologist and special educator. Team of professionals comprising of adolescent psychiatrist, clinical psychologists and adolescent health specialists runs adolescent clinic.
Child guidance clinic specializes in working with children with emotional, behavioral and Neuro-developmental disorders such as learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), separation anxiety disorder, autistic spectrum disorders, conduct disorders etc. Self-help groups and awareness programs for parents and caretakers of children with autism, mental retardation, ADHD and learning disability are also organized at regular intervals to help and support
Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services
Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services at Alpha Super Speciality Hospital, provides specialist care for children, adolescents, and young people with emotional, behavioral, psychosomatic, Neuro-developmental and educational problems through a multidisciplinary team approach.
Clinical Services
- Pharmaco-therapy(medication)
- Counseling: individual and family counseling
- Neuro psychological test: intelligence (iq) test, ld assessment and projective test
- De-addiction treatment for adolescents, and young people with drug abuse & dependence
- Workshops & training programmes: for parents, teachers, schools, counselors, professionals
- Early interventions for children with learning difficulties, dyslexia, adhd and autistic spectrum disorder
- Remedial training for children with specific learning difficulties, dyslexia and autistic spectrum disorder
- Therapies: play therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, trauma based therapy (emdr) and family therapy.
- Assessment of children, adolescents, and young people for emotional, behavioral, psychosomatic, neuro developmental and educational problems
Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services are helpful for:
- Sleeping and eating problems
- Encopresis, thumb sucking, nail biting
- Over activity and poor concentration (ADHD)
- Frequent Temper Tantrums or hot tempers
- Fearful, separation anxiety
- Autism & Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Children 5-12 years with:
- Sleep Problems
- Sexual deviant behavior
- Drug abuse & dependence
- Autistic Spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Dyslexia & learning difficulties (LD)
- Adjustment & Interpersonal Problems
- Psychosomatic & Conversion disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Conduct Problems: Aggressive, defiant, truanting, destructive behavior
- Psychosis: Sudden abnormal behavior, sleep disturbances, aggressive behavior
- Depressive disorders: Withdrawn, crying spells, school refusal, sleep difficulties, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, hopelessness, academic decline
- Anxiety problems: Specific fears, social anxiety, many worries, obsessions & compulsions (dirt, checking, counting, symmetry etc.) OCD, PTSD, Exam anxiety
Adolescents 13-19 years with:
- Autistic Spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Dyslexia & learning difficulties (LD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Adjustment & Interpersonal Problems
- Depressive disorders: Withdrawn, crying spells, school refusal, sleep difficulties, suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, hopelessness, academic decline
- Anxiety problems: Specific fears, social anxiety, many worries, obsessions & compulsions (dirt, checking, counting, symmetry etc.) OCD, PTSD, Exam anxiety
- Conduct Problems: Aggressive, defiant, truanting, destructive behavior
- Sleep Problems
- Drug abuse & dependence
- Sexual deviant behavior
- Psychosomatic & Conversion disorders
- Psychosis: Sudden abnormal behavior, sleep disturbances, aggressive behavior
- Children undergoing organ transplant
- Children with chronic medial illnesses
- Children undergone trauma
- Parenting & family issues
A motivated team of pediatrician, intensive care Unit and Nursing staff provides round the clock surveillance; Senior Pediatrics surgeons and Neonatal Anesthetists are on the panel of consultants and are readily available on call
Our Pediatrics General ward is well equipped to provide all comforts with central oxygen.
The Nurse Patients ratio is 1:1 is maintained, The Unit is well geared to manage all Neonatal Emergencies including Neonatal Surgeries.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
This Unit is fully equipped with incubators, Blue light photo-therapy unit, Apnea Monitors, Pulse Oximeters. The NICU has model ventilators and is geared a look after neonates requiring intensive and special care.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
The PICU is fully equipped with the state of the art equipment and experience highly commitment medical team. Both emergency and elective cases are seen, the referrals being from private practioners. Out patient clinic and from department of Pediatrics
Department of Pulmonology

Excellent treatment available for chronic and acute obstructive Pulmonology asthma and other related categories of respiratory emergencies such ARDS severe respiratory failure, septicemia injury, Poly trauma frail chest etc.
Surgical methods are applied in case of emphysema acute ventilator support in poisonous and neurological cases.
This center provides special investigation facilities such as Pulmonary Function Tests for reversible airway obstruction, diffusing capacity of lungs, arterial blood gas analysis etc.
Video bronchoscopy helps in visualizing the respiratory passages down to small divisions and is used to take tissue samples, washings, biopsy etc. from suspected areas of the lungs. Transbronchoscopic needle aspiration and lung biopsies under fluoroscopic guidance can be done when required. With good radiological & imaging support, ultra sound guidance and C.T Guided aspirations, biopsies are carried out for diagnosis of pleural diseases. With interventional Radiology facilities selective brachial artery embolization can be carried out for severe hemoptysis (bleeding from respiratory passages).
Department of Radiology

The department also has a state-of-the-art mammography machine with stereotactic biopsy attachment for diagnostic interventional procedures. On an average 175-200 mammograms are done every month with interventional procedures including hook wire placements and breast biopsies.
The radiology department is in the process of procuring latest state- of-the- art technology of digital radiography fluoroscopy system with angiography facility.
Teaching and Training Programme:

The ultrasound division of the radiology department is one of the earliest ultrasound setups in the city, started in 1982. Since then it has grown steadily, is associated with the first IVF live birth in North India and is currently associated with the highly successful liver transplant programme at this hospital.
The departmental work load includes routine abdominal ultrasonography, antenatal sonography for abnormalities in developing babies, ovulation monitoring, pediatric and neonatal sonography, Neuro sonography, mammosonography, and musculoskeletal sonography, transvaginal and transrectal sonography, sonography of small parts such as thyroid, parathyroid, and scrotum. Doppler sonography for abdomen, pregnancy, carotid and peripheral vascular diseases, transplant kidney and impotency are performed routinely. A number of invasive procedures (aspiration of liver abscess, CVS, and amniocentesis, fetal reduction, cordocentesis) under sonographic guidance are carried out. Service is also provided for sonographic guidance for In Vitro Fertilization procedures in the IVF operation theatre, surgical and gynecological procedures in other operation theatres & portable bedside ultrasonography.
Department of Urology
The Department of Urology at the Alpha Hospital and Kidney Institute is a leader in urological treatments and research. The department of Urology is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art medical and surgical care in all aspects of adult and pediatric urology.

The department of Urology provides screening, staging and the most up-to-date treatment of all uro-genital tumors including kidney, ureter, bladder and prostate. The Department of Urology has a complete range of facilities to provide comprehensive services in the management of urological conditions.
- TURP – Transuretheral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure to deal with patients with an enlarged, benign (non cancerous) prostate, called Benign Prostate Hyperplasia or BPH.
- Bladder Tumor – A bladder tumor is an excess growth of cells that line the inside of the bladder. A tumor may be either cancerous or non cancerous.
- Pediatric Urology – Pediatric Urology involves the diagnosis and treatment of all urological problems encountered in children.
- Uroendoscopy – a device consisting of a tube and optical system for observing the inside of a hollow organ or cavity. This observation may be done through a natural body opening or a small incision.
- Uro oncology – Treatment of patients with cancer disease in the urinary tract including major surgery on bladder and prostate.
- Prostate Disease (specialty clinic) – We have a specialty clinic within our hospital for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases. The prostate is a sex gland in men. It is about the size of a walnut, and surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra – the tube that carries urine from the bladder. It is partly muscular and partly glandular, with ducts opening into the prostatic portion of the urethra. It is made up of three lobes: a center lobe with one lobe on each side. The prostate gland secretes a slightly alkaline fluid that forms part of the seminal fluid, a fluid that carries sperm
Treatment of Hematuria: Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells (RBCs) in the urine. The urine appears normal to the naked eye, but examination under a microscope shows a high number of RBCs. We effectively evaluate and treat all types of urinary incontinence and hematuria.